Very low, especially in children with no (known) underlying health conditions.
According to CDC, during 2020 to 2022, all cause mortality of all children between ages of 1 and 19, COVID-19 was the 7th leading cause of death, ahead of influenza, pneumonia and sepsis, but well behind the leaders of accidents, homicides, suicides and cancer. Unsecured guns still kill more children than COVID-19.
Query Criteria:
Five-Year Age Groups: 1-4 years; 5-9 years; 10-14 years; 15-19 years
Year/Month: 2020; 2021; 2022 (provisional)
Group By: UCD - 15 Leading Causes of Death
Show Totals: Disabled
Show Zero Values: Disabled
Show Suppressed: Disabled
Calculate Rates Per: 100,000
Rate Options: Default intercensal populations for years 2001-2009 (except Infant Age Groups)
While the odds are low of death from COVID, they are even lower than risk of death from the vaccine. I would take the odds that vaccine is better than no vaccine.
While some may make the argument that vaccinated children may be less likely to transmit COVID-19 to vulnerable adults in their lives, the data is not there to support that conclusion.
It shows the median IFR of all children to be 0.0003% (so I imagine that it is even lower for healthy children), and each new variant seems less and less virulent. Maybe this is why many other Western countries are no longer vaccinating children. I can't help but question Big Pharma's profit motive as a factor to CDC recommendations since the CDC receives much of its funding from pharmaceutical companies in the form of fees. Do you have thoughts on this?
Do you know the odds of serious adverse reaction to the Covid vaccines?
That Ioannidis is loaded with a lot of heterogeneous data, seroprevalence data is hard to interpret, and IFR only looks at fatalities, not other effects of illness. Those numbers do not surprise me.
I don't buy into the Big Pharma line. Most of the people on the FDA and CDC panels are pretty solid. Not saying bias cannot happen, but I don't think it is significant.
Again, it is a risk benefit question, and you are right to focus on vaccine risks. Of the currently available vaccines, the only significant risk above baseline appear to be the myocarditis/pericarditis related to mRNA vaccines, primarily in adolescent and young men. I still think the benefits outweigh the risk--but neither is zero.
My son is a thin and healthy young man who has easily recovered from a Covid infection. For me, it's not worth risking his life over a vaccine that has waning protection again a virus with virtually 0% IFR, but to each his own. Thank you for sharing your insights.
What are the odds of a healthy child dying of Covid?
Great question.
Very low, especially in children with no (known) underlying health conditions.
According to CDC, during 2020 to 2022, all cause mortality of all children between ages of 1 and 19, COVID-19 was the 7th leading cause of death, ahead of influenza, pneumonia and sepsis, but well behind the leaders of accidents, homicides, suicides and cancer. Unsecured guns still kill more children than COVID-19.
Query Criteria:
Five-Year Age Groups: 1-4 years; 5-9 years; 10-14 years; 15-19 years
Year/Month: 2020; 2021; 2022 (provisional)
Group By: UCD - 15 Leading Causes of Death
Show Totals: Disabled
Show Zero Values: Disabled
Show Suppressed: Disabled
Calculate Rates Per: 100,000
Rate Options: Default intercensal populations for years 2001-2009 (except Infant Age Groups)
While the odds are low of death from COVID, they are even lower than risk of death from the vaccine. I would take the odds that vaccine is better than no vaccine.
While some may make the argument that vaccinated children may be less likely to transmit COVID-19 to vulnerable adults in their lives, the data is not there to support that conclusion.
Thank you. Have you seen this study co-authored by John Ionnidis?
It shows the median IFR of all children to be 0.0003% (so I imagine that it is even lower for healthy children), and each new variant seems less and less virulent. Maybe this is why many other Western countries are no longer vaccinating children. I can't help but question Big Pharma's profit motive as a factor to CDC recommendations since the CDC receives much of its funding from pharmaceutical companies in the form of fees. Do you have thoughts on this?
Do you know the odds of serious adverse reaction to the Covid vaccines?
That Ioannidis is loaded with a lot of heterogeneous data, seroprevalence data is hard to interpret, and IFR only looks at fatalities, not other effects of illness. Those numbers do not surprise me.
I don't buy into the Big Pharma line. Most of the people on the FDA and CDC panels are pretty solid. Not saying bias cannot happen, but I don't think it is significant.
Again, it is a risk benefit question, and you are right to focus on vaccine risks. Of the currently available vaccines, the only significant risk above baseline appear to be the myocarditis/pericarditis related to mRNA vaccines, primarily in adolescent and young men. I still think the benefits outweigh the risk--but neither is zero.
My son is a thin and healthy young man who has easily recovered from a Covid infection. For me, it's not worth risking his life over a vaccine that has waning protection again a virus with virtually 0% IFR, but to each his own. Thank you for sharing your insights.